Quick Start

Start using Imbricate is easy, you will need a client and a data origin that can be a file, a database, or an API.

Imbricate Hummingbird is the official web application to read, edit and aggregate data from different sources. It's hosted on https://imbricate.app. It supports a restful API via @imbricate/origin-stack-api and direct connect to a MongoDB database via @imbricate/origin-mongodb. However, the easiest way to start is using the file system and the stack-up CLI to make any data origin a restful API.

§ Use File System with Stack Up as Data Origin

Step 1. Install the stack up CLI and file system origin globally:

npm install -g @imbricate/stack-up @imbricate/origin-file-system

Step 2. Create a folder in your OS anywhere you want to store your data, for example, ~/data.

Note that, you could put your data in a cloud storage folder like Dropbox, Google Drive, or OneDrive, and have it synced and backed up automatically.

Step 3. Setup the stack-up configuration JSON file, see detailed the configuration schema on Stack Up Configuration.

    "originPersistencies": [
            "originLoadType": "NPM_PACKAGE",
            "originLoadValue": "@imbricate/origin-file-system",
            "originName": "my-origin",
            "originPayloads": {
                "basePath": "/path/to/the/data/folder"

Step 4. Start the file system origin with the stack-up CLI:

stack-up /path/to/stack-up.json

Step 5. There's no step 5, visit https://imbricate.app and start take advantage of the notebook built for engineers.